6th Installation Ceremony of RACBadulla

Holding the 6th installation ceremony was a key topic which was discussed in many of the general meetings. The date was fixed by the Rotaract District 3220 along with the Visit to the Up country as the 25th of August 2018 and a special Board Meeting was taken to discuss the roles and responsibilities. As the first step, a suitable venue was selected which matched with our budget. Then the invitations were sent through the council to all the Rotaract clubs of Sri Lanka and through the facebook page of RACBadulla. Hall arrangements and food & beverage, lighting and sounds, table decorations, presentations and video, tokens of appreciation, photography, entertainment, compering, badges for the club members were the other key areas we focused on in order to make the project successful. All members of the club gathered on the 24th and discussed the final steps and how the project should be executed. In the afternoon of 25th, all members gathered to the event venue and completed the hall...