
From the time of the emergence of machines to the time when man is a machine, human life has been going through various changes. In this world which is running only for itself, some human beings are also thinking for others. Social workers are those who act as a bridge for the well-being of others regardless of their own need. It is rightly observed that service of mankind is the service of God. It is the primary duty of man to serve the needy, less privileged and down-trodden fellowbeings. We must not selfish. We must look to the welfare of those who live around us. Our prosperity is of no avail if the people near us live a life of want and misery. We all are the equal inheritors of the gifts and wealth of nature. Those who roll in riches should give food to the hungry, clothes to the naked and shelter to the hopeless. Those who are sick and physically disabled should be helped according to their needs. In this article it is my great pleasure to highlight a organization whose...