
Within the past few months, Uva province and its surrounding became a victim of many wild fires around many mountain ranges. As a result, LUSH-Live and Let Live was a project initiated with the intention of contributing to the District Project- One Million Trees. The idea was generated by the President, Rtr. Samadith and the fellow members contributed it with the ideas. Rtr. Charutha was appointed as the Project Chair and the duties were assigned to the rest of the Board Members. First, we visited the Forestry Department and inquired about the situation of wild fires and the strategies they have implemented about this issue. As a result, a site visit was arranged to Bambaragala Mountain Range to inspect the surrounding and the soil type of the mountain range. It was examined that due to the sudden rains, the soil was not perfect for the tree planting. As a suggestion from the forestry department, November was decided to execute the project as November is a month with continuous rain. A...