The Orator 2019-Inter-School Level-Preliminary Round

"The Orator"2019 Inter-school speech competition was organized by Rotaract Club of Badulla in collaboration with Gavel Club of Uva Wellassa University of Sri Lanka for the First time. This competition will be held on few phases. The theme of the competition was "Echo of Eco". As the second stage, the Inter-school Speech competition was held on Sunday 30th of November 2019 at A1 hall of Uva Wellassa University of Sri Lanka at 9.00 a.m. onwards. Competitors were advised to deliver a 3 minutes prepared speech according to the theme "Echo of Eco” which means, about the environment. The competition was held in 2 sections as Grade 9, 10, 11 category and Grade 12, 13 categories 11 participants from grade 9,10,11 category and 05 participants from grade 12,13 category were got selected for the semifinal round. The Judge board of the competition was comprised with Gaveliers of Uva Wellassa University of Sri Lanka. 06 judging criteria were used for the selection. Those we...