When It’s Needed🩸

Ha d t he thought of ‘how valuable could a single drop of blood be’ e ver cross your min d ? Do you know that there are thousands of helpless souls, plead ing for a little blood to witness another sunrise ? The N ational Blood Transfusion Service (NBTS) of Sri Lanka , con ducts a massive operation throughout the year to save such precious lives. NTBS which is an integral part of the National Health Service, is the institution responsible for collecting, processing and delivering safe blood, blood components and blood products through 19 cluster centres and 77 peripheral blood banks situated island wide. A special announcement made by the National Blood Transfusion Service on mid July 2020, regarding the current blood shortage prevailing in Sri Lanka’s blood bank, caught the immediate attention of the Rotaract Club of Badulla. Rotaractors of the Rotaract Club of Badu...