RAC Badulla Team to Rotary Polio Parade and Rotary Polio Parade PR campaign

Rotary Polio parade and carnival organized by the Rotary Sri Lanka was held on 26th of October 2019. The parade was consisting of Rotarians, Rotaractors, Interactors and general public. Commenced from the Sri Lanka Foundation road and ended from Green path where the carnival was held. The parade was the final event of the Polio week celebration organized by the Rotary Sri Lanka in partnership with Ministry of Health, WHO & UNICEF, to commemorate International Polio Day (October 24th). RAC Badulla Rotaractors were there at Rotary Polio parade and carnival with a team of Rotaractors. Rotaractors of RAC Badulla walked for the cause of making awareness on Polio free Sri Lanka and world to the public. Also Rotaract Club of Badulla did a PR campaign on the polio parade and about how rotary contributed to eradicate polio, in order to do our part as rotaractors . Our objective was to make awareness about Polio eradication from the world and contribution of Rotary movement for it. ...