Xmas Tree-A Christmas tree made from disposed Plastic bottles

Rotaract Club of Badulla in collaboration with Catholic students Movement of Uva Wellassa University of Sri Lanka and Buddhist Students Union of Uva Wellassa University of Sri Lanka built a 15 foot tall Christmas tree from disposed plastic bottles, collected from the open areas of Badulla town, with the aim of sending them for recycling .This was displayed at St. Mary’s Cathedral-Badulla. The objective of this project was to create awareness about the usage and disposal of plastic daily basis, and also to create a good image about the Rotaract movement in the community, regarding peace and reconciliation and for the 50 years celebration of Rotaract movement. This was made using more than 800 plastic bottles collected from open areas of the town and from the university. And also bamboo sticks and steel wires were used for the structure. The preparations were started on Monday 23rd of December and finished by the Christmas Eve to display to the public. The administration of St. Mary’s Ca...