Rotaract Club
of Badulla in collaboration with Catholic students Movement of Uva Wellassa
University of Sri Lanka and Buddhist Students Union of Uva Wellassa University
of Sri Lanka built a 15 foot tall Christmas tree from disposed plastic bottles,
collected from the open areas of Badulla town, with the aim of sending them for
recycling .This was displayed at St. Mary’s Cathedral-Badulla. The objective of
this project was to create awareness about the usage and disposal of plastic
daily basis, and also to create a good image about the Rotaract movement in the
community, regarding peace and reconciliation and for the 50 years celebration
of Rotaract movement. This was made using more than 800 plastic bottles
collected from open areas of the town and from the university. And also bamboo
sticks and steel wires were used for the structure. The preparations were
started on Monday 23rd of December and finished by the Christmas Eve to display
to the public. The administration of St. Mary’s Cathedral -Badulla supported
this great cause in numerous ways. The bottles were sent to Plastic Recycling
Yard-Badulla Municipal Council for recycling after display. All of the steps in
preparing this were in accordance with the recover guidelines.
Project objectives
were to create an awareness about the usage and disposal of plastic daily
basis, to highlight different ways of using disposed garbage and to
symbolically show importance of removing one time plastic for the community, to
create awareness about recycling plastic for a better and peaceful world, to
create a good image about the Rotaract movement within the community, to
celebrate Christmas with community of Badulla district and to create an
awareness regarding peace and reconciliation, to create awareness about the 50
years celebration of Rotaract movement.
Isuri Vinoma,
a member of Rotaract Club of Badulla brought up the initiative to the club.
Catholic Students Movement of Uva Wellassa University of Sri Lanka and Buddhist
Students Union of Uva Wellassa University of Sri Lanka joined hands in this
great cause. Catholic Students Movement of Uva Wellassa University of Sri Lanka
coordinated with Administration of St.Mary's Cathedral -Badulla and facilitated
the best place for the tree which added a religious value also. Buddhist
Students Union of Uva Wellassa University of Sri Lanka supported with
volunteering till the end of the process. Both clubs supported in providing
plastic bottles by requesting them from the undergraduates of Uva Wellassa
University of Sri Lanka and the minor and academic staffs. Project chairs
coordinated with National Electricity Board-Badulla Office and provided with
required flash lights and other current facilities. Plastic Recycling
Yard-Badulla of Municipal Council-Badulla agreed to accept all the plastic used
here for recycling. St.Mary's Cathedral -Badulla provided the volunteers with
food and refreshment. Rotary club of Badulla supported in logistics and
transportation. With the help and support of all the parties the Christmas tree
was started building on 20/12/2019 and finished by 9.00 p.m. in 24/12/2019, and
opened for exhibition.
All the
dominant social media pages (Facebook) of Badulla area (Kiri Badulla, Sri
Lankan Backpacker, Api Badulle) supported us by promoting the initiative in
their pages, Successful feedback was received from them.
From this
project we were able to create a lasting impact on community in Badulla
district by creating awareness about the usage and disposal of plastic daily
basis, by highlighting different ways of using disposed garbage and by
symbolically showing importance of removing one time plastic for the community.
The news about Christmas tree made from plastic was spread quickly and nearly
1000 people came to visit the tree from 24/12/2019 to 31/12/2019. The church
and the municipal council sent their regards personally on this initiative. A
lot personal wishes were received from the community. University nonacademic
staff mentioned that they visited to watch the tree with their families and
children and taught about the proper way of utilizing one time plastic. Because
of this initiative, people from Badulla district got to know about the club and
some of them called us personally and appreciated the work. They mentioned that
this initiative affected their day to day plastic usage and they were fond that
a Rotaract Club is here for Badulla District.

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