Bamboo Utilization

The Bamboo associated Art Tradition, which dates back to the colonial era of Sri Lanka, is an important and valuable art form unique to Sri Lanka. Accordingly, this is still seen in various parts of Sri Lanka today, and it is because of the bamboo resources in the country that it has become such an industry. That is why today the bamboo resource in Sri Lanka has become a raw material to support the household economy. There are about 14 species of bamboo in the bamboo resource of Sri Lanka, most of which are cultivated and the rest are found in botanical gardens. It is also the most mountainous type of bamboo bush in the country. These are found in all three major climatic zones of Sri Lanka and surveys have shown that Ochlandra Stridula and Bambusa are the most common endemic species in the country. The highest distribution of these is in the Kalutara area. In terms of the use of this resource of such value, it is used for the home craft industry, housing and construction. Although thi...