
Showing posts from May, 2021

பிளாஸ்டிக்கை ஒழிப்போம்!! நம் பூமியை காப்போம் !!

பிளாஸ்டிக்கை ஒழிப்போம்!!  நம் பூமியை காப்போம் !! பிளாஸ்டிக் எனப்படும் நெகிழிப்பொருள் பெற்றோலிய வேதிப்பொருட்களிலிருந்து பெறப்படும் ஒரு பொருளாகும். இன்றைய தலைமுறையினது வாழ்க்கையின் ஒரு பகுதியாகவே பிளாஸ்டிக் பொருட்கள் மாறிவிட்டன . இப்பொருட்கள் பிற குப்பைகளைப் போல் மண்ணில் உக்கும் தன்மையற்றது. ஒரு பிளாஸ்டிக் பை மண்ணோடு மண்ணாகி அழிய 400  ஆண்டுகளாகுமென விஞ்ஞானம் சொல்கிறது. ஒரு முறை மட்டுமே பயன்படுத்தக்கூடிய பிளாஸ்டிக் பொருட்களால் விளையும் தீமைகள் பின்வருமாரு:  குப்பைகளுடன் சேர்ந்து எரியும்பொழுது நச்சுத்தன்மையான வாயுக்களை வெளிப்படுத்துகின்றது .  பிளாஸ்டிக் கழிவுகள் புற்றுநோய் போன்ற பயங்கரமான நோய்களை ஏட்படுத்துகிறது.  மலட்டுத்தன்மையை உருவாக்கும் ஹோர்மோன் செயட்பாட்டினை தூண்டுகிறது.  மழைநீர் உறிஞ்சப்படுவதை தடுப்பதனால் நிலத்தடி நீர்மட்டம் குறைய வழிவகுக்கிறது.  இந்த பிளாஸ்டிக் பொருட்களை அதிகளவில் பயன்படுத்த துவங்கி 50  ஆண்டுகளேயாகின்றது . அதற்குள் இது ஏற்படுத்தியிருக்கும் பாதிப்பு நிலத்தோடு மட்டும் நின்றுவிடவில்லை . கடல்வாழ்  உயிரினங்களான வகை வகையான மீன்...

Through the way of being first ever Zero Plastic University in Sri Lanka

We always used to say that Sri Lanka is the pearl of the Indian ocean but how could someone believe that the so-called little pearl has ranked as the 5th in the list of countries that release polythene and plastic waste to the ocean? literally, that's the truth !!! The saddest part is we reached this rank without even being one of the biggest consumers of plastic in the world. Simply it means 5 million kg of plastic and polythene wastage per day in our country mostly happens because of the dim view and wrong consumption patterns of the citizens in Sri Lanka. The situation as it stands today is worse than we ever thought, we Rotaract Club of Uva Wellassa University- Badulla come up with the idea to convert our university into plastic-free premises collaborate with zero Our ultimate goal is to transform Uva Wellassa University into a model university for the zero plastic university concept while conveying this message to the local community as well. When talking about the...

Let’s Make Zero Plastic Work

You know what happens when a bunch of young, non-patient and creative minds clash together without a management? A disaster. But if we could give them what they want and a little bit appreciation? A better world can be resulted. Who are these young and enthusiastic youngsters? US the children of mother UWU!!!! Impressive..!! You’ll never know until you try. ZERO PLASTIC.... Sounds familiar and nearly got tired of listening to the same thing over and over again.... Don’t stop!! Something new is here today. Something that we can do together with a little bit of awareness and effort. Are you ready? We are going to make our university a zero plastic with new ideas and innovations. Yaaaay..!! How many faculties are there in our university? Four. Exactly we are specializing areas that can be used on the way to the zero plastic university. You will be amazed to see students’ capabilities, if we distribute tasks according to our abilities. When we are going to talk about zero plastic, we can’t...

පරිසරය දැවෙන්නේ කාගේ වරදින්ද?

  ඇයි ? ඇයි අපි ප්ලාස්ටික් පාවිච්චිය නවත්තන්න ඕනෙ? ඔයා මොකද හිතන්නෙ? ඒ ඇයි කියලා මේ දවස් වල සිදුවීමකින් ම මං ඔයාලට කියන්නම්. අපි හැමෝම දන්නවා මේ දවස් වල ලංකාවෙ කොළඹ වරායට ආසන්නයෙ ගිනි ගනිමින් තිබූ එක්ස්ප්‍රස් පර්ල් නෞකාව ගැන  දින ගනනාවක් තිස්සේ ගිනි ගනිමින් තිබූ ගින්න මේ වෙද්දි සම්පූර්ණයෙන් නිවලා ඉවරලු. ටිකක් හිත්න්න. ඇත්තටම ඒ නැව ගිනි අරන් ඉවරද?  නෑ , ඒක ඉවර නෑ මං එහෙම කියන්නෙ මේ ගිනිගත්ත නැව නිසා ගිනි ගන්න සාගර ජීවීන්ගෙ හුස්ම ටික ගැන. රසායනික කාන්දුවක් නිසා ගිනිගත්ත මේ නැවේ තිබුනු විශාල බහාලුම් ප්‍රමාණයක් නැවේ ඇති වුනු පිපිරීමක් නිසා මුහුදු බත් වෙනවා. ඒ බහාලුම් වල විශාල ප්‍රමාණයක තිබිලා තියෙන්නෙ ප්ලාස්ටික්. නැවේ තිබුනු plastic pebbles , ප්ලාස්ටික් බෝතල්, ප්ලාස්ටික් කවර, ෂොපින් බෑග්, විදුලි පරිවාරක කේබල් සෑදීමට ගන්නා අඩු ඝනත්ව ප්ලාස්ටික් , වැඩි ඝනත්ව ප්ලාස්ටික් හා ප්ලාස්ටික් ආශ්‍රිත නිෂ්පාදන වලින් කොසටක් ගින්නෙන් උනු වෙලා වගේම තවත් ගින්නට හසු නොවූ කොටස් ලංකාවෙ වත්‍තල සිට මාරවිල දක්වා වෙරළ තීරය ආක්‍රමණය කරමින් තියෙනවා. ජලජ ජීවින් ඔවුන්ගේ කරමල් භාවිතා කරලා තමයි ඔවුන්ට අවශ්...

Do You Necessary Plastics

Plastics have become a global problem affecting not only Sri Lanka but the world as a whole. Do you know? Sri Lanka is the fifth largest consumer of plastics in the world. Although the smallest country in the world, Sri Lanka is the largest consumer of plastics. It is clear that the world quickly embraced this because it is easy for people to use. It is a well-known fact that many of the essential items from the water bottle we use are made of plastics. The simple and light finish has created a high demand for plastics. But, due to the ingestion of toxic chemicals in it, many diseases arise. This is a very oppressive process not only for humans but also for the animal community. Similarly, it has been reported that many animals die from ingesting polythene due to improper disposal. Plastic takes thousands of years to decompose. Therefore, the soil is polluted. It is marginable that a plastic free village, country and world would be created by opening up the necessary aspects to create ...


Currently we are experiencing a hazardous time regardless nationalities and ethnicities. If we look back and try to figure out what is the reasons behind the prevailing situation, it would be clear that the unbearable affects which were done on environment by people is prominent among all. It all happened for the drastic changes done by us human beings, on nature. In Sri Lanka, we couldn’t celebrate our cultural and religious festival in ways we used to celebrate them before the pandemic. But with these lately occurred circumstances, we have got to think what nature tries to point out. This should be a advisory from mother nature to clarify the importance of preserving her for the wellbeing of the human race. With the lessons we have been learning since last year we have to pay our attention to do our regular things more eco friendly, and healthier ways for environment than finding comfortable and easy ways. On the Vesak full moon day (which falls on May 26th this year), the Buddhist r...

නොදිරනා වෙසඟේ සිරි කරයි කම්පා සොබාසිරි

මෑතකදී සිට බොහෝ දෙනා වන විනාශයට එරෙහිව නොයෙක් හඬවල් නැගුවද ඔබ සමරන මේ වෙසඟේ සොබාදහම පීඩා විදින අයුරු ගැන ඔබ නිහඬයි. සැබැවින්ම ඔබ සමරන මේ තෙමඟුල බුදු වදන එලෙසින්ම පිළිපදිනවාද? නැත වර්තමානයේ බොහෝ පිරිස පුරුදුව සිටින්නේ තමන්ට ඉතා පහසු අයුරින් ප්ලාස්ටික් පහන් කූඩු, පොලිතීන් කොඩි වැනි විවිධ පොලිතීන් සැරසිලි වලින් තම නිවෙස් සරසවා ගැනීමට මෙන්ම වීදි අලංකරණයට යොදා ගන්නා පහන් කූඩු පොලිතීන් කවරයකින් ආවරණය කිරිමටය. මෙනෙහි කරන්නේ කෙසේද අනියත  මෙලෙස ඔබ පරිසරයට බැහැර කරන පොලිතින් දෑ තුලින්. මදකට සිතන්න අද වීදි හැඩ කරනා පොලිතීන් සැරසිලි වලට වෙසක් සමය අවසානයේ අත් වන ඉරණම ගැන, ඒ සියල්ල අවසානයේ සොබාදහමේ හතුරන් නොවේද. මේ වසරේ නොමැති වුවත් දන්සල් සඳහා යොදා ගන්නා බොහෝමයක් දෑ නොදිරනා දෑ බව ඔබ මම අප සියලු දෙනා දන්නා සත්‍යයකි. ලංකාවේ වැඩි ප්‍රතිශතයක් බෞද්ධයන් වන අතර අප බොහෝවිට මෙම සියලුම සැරසිලි අවසනයේ පරිසරයට මුදා හරී. ඔබ දැන සිටියාද ඔබ අද ඉවත දමන ප්ලාස්ටික් දිරාපත් වීමට වසර  500ක පමණ කාලයක් ගත වන බව ? ඔබ ජල මාර්ග වලට ඉවත දමන සියලුම දෑ  අවසානයේදී මහ සයුර තම නවාතැන් පොළ කරගන්නා බව. එමෙන්ම මෙම පොල...

අපේ වෙසක්

බුදුදහමේ හරය හේතුඵල දහමයි.මෙම අති උතුම් න්‍යායය තේරුම් ගැනීමේදී ත්‍රිලක්ෂණ ධර්මතාවය අත්‍යාවශ්‍යය. මන්ද යත් ජීව අජීව සමස්තය තුලම පවතින යථාර්තය මෙය බැවිණි.කිනම් දර්ශනයක් විශ්වාස කල ද ලෝක යථාර්තය මීට වඩා වෙනස් නොවේ.එබැවින් තවත් උතුම් වෛශාඛ්‍ය මංගල්‍යයක් සමරන්නට සැරසෙන මේ මොහොතේ බුදුදහම පරිසරය සහ ආමිස ප්‍රතිපත්ති පූජා ගැන සබුද්ධියෙන් යුතුව බැලීම මනුශ්‍ය වර්ගයා වන අපගේ මාහැගි කාර්‍යයක් වන්නේය.බුදුන් වහන්සේ තරම් පරිසරය සමග සබැදිව ජීවත් වූ වෙනත් ශාස්තෲවරයෙකු ලොව නොමති තරම් ය. උන්වහන්සේගේ උත්පත්තිය බුද්ධත්වය හා පරිනිර්වාණය ස්වභාවික රමණීය පරිසර ඇසුරේම සිදුවී තිබේ.එහෙයින් පාරිසරික සංහිදියාව පවත්වා ගනීම උදෙසා මිනිසාගෙ දායකත්වය අවැසිමය.මෙලෙස පූර්විකා සැපවූයේ අන් කවරකටත් නොව උතුම් වූ වෙසක් දිනය අරුත් ගන්වමින් සොබාදහම් සබැදියාව ශක්තිමත් කරගනු වස් බෞද්ධ අබෞද්ධ සැවොම සිදු කරනු ලබන ආමිස පූජාවක් පිලිබදව දැනුවත් කිරීමටයි.    කාර්මික විප්ලවයෙන් පසු බිහිවූ නූතන යුගය සැබවින්ම තරගකාරීය.වැඩ පහසු කරන මං ඔස්සේ හැල්මේ දිව යන ලෝකයක් තුල අපිද අතරමං වී ඇත්තෙමු.ප්ලාස්ටික් පොලිතීන් සැරසිලි සංකල්පයද ඒ තරගය තු...

Impacts of Plastic Usage

Now, the whole world is facing many problems because of the plastic waste. So, we have to think twice before we throw away the plastic waste indiscriminately. Polyethylene, a type of plastic used for product packaging, has become a major problem increasing the environmental pollution. The plastic bags made of polyethene, get many years to decompose completely. When these plastic bags perish under sunlight, toxic chemicals are released into the soil, and they even get spread into the groundwater. These chemicals get entered to our food chain, when animals accidentally ingest them, and when we eat food that were grown in those polluted lands. Even when these plastic wastes are burned, they release toxic chemicals causing air pollution. These things cause cancers in human body. The lands filled with these plastic wastes, emit methane and carbon dioxide gases, during the decomposition stage. High levels of methane emitted, reduce the amount of Oxygen breathed causing vision problems, heada...

Farm Tours?

In agritourism, this part is an enjoyable segment during your farm stay. Why? Farm tours kind of an educational, enjoyable, or cooperative event can be done with farm works and see the beautiful environment while drinking wine or king coconut glass. A farm tour is a type of agritourism and it is operated on a commercial basis. Farm tours can be organized in many different fashions. There may be just one farm hosting the tour, or a group of farms in a given area may be included, providing the tourists with an overall idea about agriculture in the area. Tours may be operated individually, where a family or group of people may choose to participate in the tour on their own. Further, farm tours can be operated on a large scale, if tour operators include the farm tour into their tour package in advance. A packaged tour may include a half a day or one-day tour of a farm and a processing plant so that the tourists will have a complete understanding of the food chain from the nursery stage, pl...

Let’s Make All the Time Favorite

  Idiyappa (String hoppers) is a traditional Sri Lankan and South Indian specialty consisting of rice flour (or finger millet flour) that is squeezed into a press to form thin noodles. The noodles are then steamed before being served with coconut sambol or coconut milk gravy. INGREDIENTS 2 cups rice flour , or finger millet flour (kurakkan or ragi flour) ½ cup warm water (or more) 1 teaspoon salt INSTRUCTIONS 1. Toast the flour in a pan on low heat for 6 to 8 minutes while stirring regularly (optional). 2. Add the flour and salt to a bowl or the bowl of a stand mixer. 3. Add water slowly and work into a soft dough. Add more water or adjust with more flour if necessary. Dough should detach from the sides of the bowl and not be sticky. 4. Place the dough into a noodle press (string hopper press). 5. Press the idiyappam dough onto string hopper mats (or directly onto a bamboo steamer lined with banana leaves) in a circular fashion. 6. Place the mats into the steamer, over a wok on med...

Safety First

Our beautiful world can be a scary place sometimes. You never know when an emergency will occur, or disaster will strike. Severe storms, natural disasters, or getting lost in the wilderness are a few occasions when a survival kit can mean the difference between life and death. A basic survival kit can help a hiker until conditions become more favorable for moving, or until help arrives. A hiking survival kit is not a first aid kit. First aid supplies allow you to deal with cuts, burns, scrapes, bruises, broken bones, or other trail medical problems. A survival kit gives you the technology to survive temperature extremes and other unpleasantness until either help arrives or you can get to a source of help. • When making your hiking survival kit find a waterproof, lightweight, small container or pouch that you can fit easily in your backpack. • For women hikers have to deal with female hygiene kits. It's just another skill in your outdoor skills set, making you a rock-solid hiking wo...

Places where Whales are Dancing

For many of us, watching whales leaping acrobatically at sea is an experience of a lifetime. Sri Lanka is one of the world's best places for whale watching.  Head out on a whale-watching tour and it's extremely likely you’ll be rewarded with sightings of blue, Humpback and Bryde’s whales. In fact, Sri Lanka ranks in the top two or three countries in the world to see them. Here is some information about where to go for whale watching in Sri Lanka. Mirissa Mirissa makes for a picturesque stay by the sea, and is arguably the best and most popular area to go whale-watching in Sri Lanka. What makes it a prime spot for whale-watching is its geographic position: this is where the continental shelf is at its narrowest, with ocean depths reaching 1km a few kilometres offshore. Kalpitiya Best dolphin and whale watching season in Kalpitiya − Sri Lanka is from Mid October until end of March! During these months large schools of the playful spinner dolphins are dwelling just three nautical ...

Kite Surfing Vs. Wind Surfing

 Sri Lanka with its beautiful sun-kissed beaches is a traveler’s paradise. From a beginner to an expert just about everyone can find their ideal windsurfing and kitesurfing expedition destinations. Windsurfing is a popular water sport among many foreign tourists who visit the palm-fringed tropical paradise in Sri Lanka. The windsurfing opportunities offered in Sri Lanka attracts amateur windsurfers as well as world-class windsurfers participating in international windsurfing competitions. Windsurfing also called Sailboarding is an extreme sports activity that involves the use of a surfboard with an attached sail. The windsurfer uses the power of the wind on the sail to glide across the surface of the waves by holding and adjusting the sail accordingly. Kitesurfing otherwise known as Kiteboarding is a vibrant water sport that involves the use of a surfboard attached to your feet and a kite that works more like a parachute as it is connected to your body by a harness. The wind can be...

Ayurvedic Aromatherapy

Aromatherapy, the therapeutic use of essential oil, is one of the most popular techniques of natural medicine practiced today. It is widely available, pleasant, and easy to use. Everything in your kitchen and bathroom has an aroma that affects you in many ways. The smell of cinnamon can make your mouth water or bring back the memory of grandma's apple pie. Lavender bath salts calm your nervous system as you soak in the tub. Aromas are added to candles, soaps, lotions and massage oils, so oftentimes you are practicing aromatherapy even when you don't realize it. An Ancient Tradition The first form of aromatherapy utilized different kinds of burning woods, and the use of smoke in the form of incense has survived in almost all cultures. The Egyptians used aromatics 5,000 years ago for medicinal and cosmetic purposes. The Greeks used olive oil to absorb the odor from flower petals and herbs. Arab physicians perfected the method of distilling essential oils and brought them to Europ...


 The name "leopard" comes from the Greek word leopardus, which is a combination of leon (lion) and pardus (panther).The leopard is so strong and comfortable in trees that it often hauls its kills into the branches. By dragging the bodies of large animals aloft it hopes to keep them safe from scavengers such as hyenas. Leopards can also hunt from trees, where their spotted coats allow them to blend with the leaves until they spring with a deadly pounce. These nocturnal predators also stalk antelope, deer, and pigs by stealthy movements in the tall grass. When human settlements are present, leopards often attack dogs and, occasionally, people. Leopards are strong swimmers and very much at home in the water, where they sometimes eat fish or crabs.  Most leopards are light colored with distinctive dark spots that are called rosettes, because they resemble the shape of a rose. Male leopards defend their territory by roaring and scent marking, while females use their roar to attrac...